Saturday, October 2, 2010

As I walk in a pitch-black Night

(A poem--written in the Puritan style of Anne Bradstreet.)

The eve tonight is cold and dark
The only thing that bids me hark
Are crickets singing in the grass
As if lamenting, "Ah, alas--
"The sun is gone, the night to stay
"'Til dawn shall break another day."

No moon lights up the cloudy sky
No twinkling stars to nav'gate by
I see no path beneath my feet
And so I wander off the street
Until my neighbor's light I spy
And find my way with now-keen eye

The neighbors ours, they walk alone
No stepping-path to them is shown
It is our duty and our joy
To those in the world's grim employ
To show them truth and light their way
'Til their dark night turn into day.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent!
    and all other accolades in the language...
    Thank you. This was fun to read.
