Friday, March 4, 2011

Jim Crow

(The caption, though fuzzy because of Blogger, reads: "THE JIM CROWS ARE BACK." Picture from

This cartoon portrays one of the trees that anti-African-American groups, like the KKK, would lynch black people on. In the picture, there are crows in the tree--an allusion to the Jim Crow laws mentioned in the caption. The Jim Crow laws oppressed people of colour and segregated them--giving them "separate but equal" facilities in comparison to white people. When put into practice, though, this resulted in a lot of racism and abuse of African-Americans. It also kept the racist attitude in the South and other areas in the country, which in part led to the lynchings.

This relates to the Delaney sisters' book because they spoke at length about Jim Crow laws. Also, one of the sisters claims to have been nearly lynched this way (she thought she would be, at any rate).

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